(A Story of Courage, Faith, and God’s Unseen Hand)
The story of Esther begins in the opulent courts of ancient Persia, where King Xerxes rules a vast empire. In a surprising turn of events, Esther, a young Jewish woman, is chosen to be queen. From her quiet, humble life, she suddenly finds herself in a position of influence and power. But as she adjusts to palace life, a dark and dangerous plot unfolds, one that will not only threaten her life but the lives of all her people.
Haman, the king’s chief advisor, fueled by pride and a personal grudge against Esther’s cousin Mordecai, hatches a deadly plan. He tricks the king into issuing a decree to annihilate all the Jews in the empire. The day of execution is set, and it seems like there is no escape from this death sentence. The people of God face destruction, much like the death decree prophesied for true followers of Jesus in the last days (Revelation 13:15), where Christians will face persecution and the threat of death for their faith. In both cases, the people of God are targeted for standing firm in their identity and beliefs.
Mordecai, heartbroken and desperate, pleads with Esther to intervene. “Who knows but that you have come to your royal position for such a time as this?” (Esther 4:14). It is Esther’s moment of decision. Approaching the king without an invitation could cost her life, as anyone who did so without being summoned could be put to death unless the king extended his golden scepter. Esther faces a grave choice: stay silent and watch her people die, or risk her life to save them.
After calling for prayer and fasting, Esther gathers her courage. She resolves to go to the king, saying, “If I perish, I perish” (Esther 4:16). In this pivotal moment, she steps into her role as a mediator for her people, trusting that God’s unseen hand is over her. Just as Esther became the mediator for her people, Jesus became the Mediator for His people trusting that the Father's unseen hand is over Him. Christians are called to stand firm in their faith in Jesus as their Mediator, and to trust that whatever needs to be done will be done.
What follows is a dramatic series of events that can only be described as divine intervention. The king, unable to sleep one night, asks for the royal records to be read to him. He is reminded of a forgotten act of loyalty by Mordecai and decides to honor him—at the very moment Haman is planning to execute Mordecai. In a twist of irony, Haman is ordered to parade Mordecai through the streets in honor. Meanwhile, Esther prepares to reveal Haman’s evil plot to the king.
At a banquet, Esther bravely discloses her Jewish identity and exposes Haman’s scheme. The king, furious at Haman’s treachery, orders Haman’s execution on the same gallows he had prepared for Mordecai. The tables are turned, and the Jews are delivered from their enemies. This stunning reversal reminds us that God’s justice will ultimately prevail, even when the forces of evil seem overwhelming. Like Esther’s time, the Bible prophesies a future time when believers will face persecution, but God will ultimately deliver His people (Revelation 20:4-6).
But this story is more than a thrilling tale of political intrigue and bravery. Esther’s story echoes a much greater narrative—the story of salvation found in Jesus Christ. Just as Esther stepped forward as a mediator, willing to risk her life for her people, Jesus did more than just risk His life—He willingly laid it down to save us all. Esther’s bravery points us to the ultimate act of courage and love when Jesus died on the cross to deliver us from sin and death.
The decree against the Jews was irreversible, much like the wages of sin is irreversible. (Remember, the result of sin is death according to Romans 6:23). But through Esther’s intercession, the Jews were saved, just as through Jesus’ sacrifice, we are saved from the eternal consequences of sin. In the same way, the death decree that Christians will face in the future will seem final, but God’s plan for deliverance is never thwarted. Revelation assures us that those who remain faithful to Jesus will overcome (Revelation 12:11).
Esther’s story is a powerful reminder that God is always at work, even when His presence seems hidden. In the darkest moments, He is guiding history, orchestrating events for His purposes. And just as He delivered the Jews from Haman’s plot, He will deliver His people in the end times.
The book of Esther invites us to see God’s sovereign hand in the details of life, both in the past and in the future. It challenges us to be courageous, to trust in God’s providence, and to stand firm in the face of trials. The story of Esther mirrors the struggles and victories that Christians will face in the last days, but it also reflects the ultimate triumph of Jesus Christ.
If you want to see how one person’s courage can change history, and how the story of Esther foreshadows the greater story of salvation and the coming challenges of faith, then the book of Esther is waiting for you. It’s a story of deliverance, courage, and the promise that, even in the face of death, God’s people will prevail.
Read it!