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Animations of Bible Topics (not from
- The 10-Commandments (Featured on LifeTalk Radio.)
- The Creation (Featured on LifeTalk Radio.)
- The 2nd Coming of Jesus (Featured on LifeTalk Radio.)
- The Passion of Christ (Featured on LifeTalk Radio.)
- "Is Heaven for Real?"
The Hope ("The Story of God's Promise to All People", a free 80 minute long movie.)
Additional Bible Study (Discover what the Bible says about life. You can even ask specific Bible questions.)
Amazing Facts ("Reaching the world with God's end-time message.")
Bible Answers Live (Online archives of the 60-minute radio programs.)
Most Amazing Prophecies (Bible Secrets Revealed - video archive)
The Prophecy Code (Bible Secrets Unlocked - Keys to Bible symbols and numbers) (Big answers for little people.) (A major Christian ministry's Bible study guides, in many languages.)
LifeTalk Radio (LifeTalk Radio brings you hope and stability through Christian music, Bible teaching and inspirational messages.)
The Voice of Prophecy (An "amazing journey through the Bible".)
Voice of Prophecy for Children (Hear children's Bible stories online.)
It Is Written (Home page)
It Is Written (Discover the Bible in a new way with the free "Discover Bible Study Guides".)
The Quiet Hour (Free "Way of Life" Bible study lessons.)
Bible Universe ("The Ultimate Online Bible Resource")
Daniel & Revelation Bible Studies (Home page)
Daniel & Revelation Bible Studies (A Chain Reference Bible Marking Plan)
Three Angles Broadcasting (Christian TV and radio. Watch and listen to 3ABN online.)
White Horse Media ("Proclaiming His Salvation, Truth and Triumphant Return")
Amazing Discoveries ("Discover the Truth". Watch "Bones in Stones" re: Evolution vs Creation.)
Cyberspace Ministry (Online Bible studies, games, weekly Bible Wordoku, daily devotions, comic strip, wallpapers and more.)
GraceNotes (Home Page)
Bible Sprout (Bible study to help you grow deeper in faith.) (Every chapter of every book of the Bible summarized in 140 characters or less. Encourages Bible reading.)
Bible Search Tools
- Bible Concordance by (free online searching)
- Bible Concordance by (free online Bible-several languages)
- Bible Concordance by (free online searching)
- Bible Concordance by (free online searching)
- Bible Concordance by (free online searching)
- Free Bible search software from e-Sword (Stated as being "The best free Bible software on the web." Many FREE Bibles available on this site, including many free translations.)
- The world's leading Bible software, (Explore and understand the Word.)
Other Bible Timeline Sites
- Bible History Timeline (Very well designed scrolling timeline)
- Theater of God's Universe (A vertical Bible timeline.)
- Bible Timeline Charts from Bible Lights Publishing (Traditional Bible timelines.)
- (Vertical timeline-Chronological Bible)
- Logos Bible Timeline (8,000 events in one location)
- (Biblical, character-building resources for families and churches.)
Special Mention
- Some of the BEST Christian images on the web can be found at .
- (short videos that explore the most vital questions that bang around in our heads)
- Nathan Greene's paintings speak volumes without saying a word. Visit and purchase his works of art. Then you can loudly share your faith without making a sound, every minute of every day.
- Check out these sites for Christian Skits to use for Church and youth gatherings:
- Wanting to regain your health or just looking for the best healthy living tips? Check out:
- Creation Illustrated Magazine is a Bible based magazine devoted to sharing examples of God's creation in story & photo. This is a beautiful resource for anyone wanting to know more about God through His works.
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